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Big rise in people going to A&E in England for minor ailments, data shows Stretched primary services causing increase in emergency visits for issues from coughs to hiccups, health leaders say The number of people turning to A&E departments in England for minor ailments including hiccups, sore throats and coughs is soaring, as senior health leaders warn that NHS primary and community services are “massively overstretched”. NHS data shows a large increase in people arriving at emergency departments for non-emergency ailments including backache, insomnia and earache. Continue reading... By Andrew Gregory Health editor Big rise in people going to A&E in England for minor ailments, data shows to Continue reading... NHS Forums - For...
County Durham & Darlington NHS chief awarded OBE in New Year Honours
County Durham & Darlington NHS chief awarded OBE in New Year Honours Sue Jacques, Chief Executive, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is among the crop of recipients recognised by the King this year. Continue reading this article about County Durham & Darlington NHS chief awarded OBE in New Year Honours by Kayleigh Fraser NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Hospitals becoming ‘dangerous’ after underinvestment, warns NHS chief
Hospitals becoming ‘dangerous’ after underinvestment, warns NHS chief NHS chief Matthew Taylor says parts of the health service are so rundown that patients are being treated in unsafe environments Continue reading this article about Hospitals becoming ‘dangerous’ after underinvestment, warns NHS chief by Tom Watling NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS warning not to visit family in hospital if feeling ill as Covid cases rise
NHS warning not to visit family in hospital if feeling ill as Covid cases rise “We would like to offer our gratitude and thanks for your ongoing support during this difficult winter period and appreciate everyone’s… Continue reading this article about NHS warning not to visit family in hospital if feeling ill as Covid cases rise by Kirsty Feerick NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Thousands of staff absences for mental health at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS
Thousands of staff absences for mental health at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS THOUSANDS of staff working at the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust have taken at least one day off work in the past three years due their… Continue reading this article about Thousands of staff absences for mental health at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS by Alec Whitaker NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Psychedelic experiences in clinical settings | Letters If clinicians cannot put the experience into words, then how can patients give informed consent that meets the robust medico-legal standard, asks Dr Caroline Hayes Although it is refreshing to read a more balanced article on psychedelics (Experts warn of mental health risks after rise in magic mushroom use, 25 December), we must be cautious about accepting the paternalistic notion that the clinical setting is always the most appropriate. “Set and setting” – one’s mindset and the physical and social environment – are hugely influential on the psychedelic experience, and for some marginalised communities and patient groups, the medical establishment may be associated with...
The hospitals so rundown they are 'outright dangerous', NHS chiefs say
The hospitals so rundown they are 'outright dangerous', NHS chiefs say Hazards include fires, floods from ageing pipes and tanks, electrical issues, insufficient freezers for bodies and even potentially dangerous bacterial infection from decaying infrastructure. Continue reading this article about The hospitals so rundown they are 'outright dangerous', NHS chiefs say by John Ely NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
One in eight people do not have a dentist
One in eight people do not have a dentist Around five million people are not registered with over 140,000 missing out on NHS treatment in just one month in 2024 Continue reading this article about One in eight people do not have a dentist by Genevieve Holl-Allen NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS makes one request to anyone suffering from brutal ‘quad-demic’ of illnesses
NHS makes one request to anyone suffering from brutal ‘quad-demic’ of illnesses The NHS have issued fresh advice to Brits regarding the ‘quad-demic’ of illnesses sweeping the UK ahead of New Year. Continue reading this article about NHS makes one request to anyone suffering from brutal ‘quad-demic’ of illnesses by Olivia Burke NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
England’s rundown hospitals are ‘outright dangerous’, say NHS chiefs
England’s rundown hospitals are ‘outright dangerous’, say NHS chiefs Exclusive: Structural weaknesses are threatening operating theatres, intensive care units and cancer units Continue reading this article about England’s rundown hospitals are ‘outright dangerous’, say NHS chiefs by Denis Campbell,Michael Goodier NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Leaky ceilings and sinking floors: inside St Helier hospital where staff fear for patient safety St Helier’s NHS trust had been promised new building – but faces uncertainty after project put under review by chancellor England’s rundown hospitals are ‘outright dangerous’, say NHS chiefs St Helier hospital is older than the NHS itself. A once beautiful modernist building that admitted its first patients in 1941, it has been left to crumble. The white paint is chipping at every corner of its formerly gleaming exterior and its state of the art balconies have been fenced off due to modern safety regulations. More pressing concerns for staff are the structural issues that make their already challenging jobs much harder. Large windows...
England’s rundown hospitals are ‘outright dangerous’, say NHS chiefs Exclusive: Structural weaknesses are threatening operating theatres, intensive care units and cancer units Leaky ceilings and sinking floors: inside St Helier hospital where staff fear for patient safety Hospital buildings in England are in such a dilapidated state they risk fires, floods and electrical faults, internal NHS trust documents reveal, with leaders saying conditions have become “outright dangerous”. Official papers from NHS trust board meetings show how staff and patients are being put at risk by an alarming array of hazards due to weaknesses in hospitals’ infrastructure. Continue reading... By Denis Campbelland Michael Goodier England’s rundown...
North Bristol NHS Trust helps dozens of people access careers through employment programme.  | North Bristol NHS Trust
North Bristol NHS Trust helps dozens of people access careers through employment programme.  | North Bristol NHS Trust More than 130 people in the Bristol area are receiving mentoring, training and practical support through North Bristol NHS Trust to help them find work as part of its innovative Commitment to Our Community Continue reading this article about North Bristol NHS Trust helps dozens of people access careers through employment programme.  | North Bristol NHS Trust by North Bristol NHS Trust NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Collaboration is key to truly addressing the challenges within the NHS
Collaboration is key to truly addressing the challenges within the NHS As a leading provider of social care for vulnerable children and young people in Scotland, and the wider UK, we at Kibble welcome the Scottish… Continue reading this article about Collaboration is key to truly addressing the challenges within the NHS by Sunita Poddar NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
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Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Two integrated care board chief executives and a trust CEO have been appointed as part-time national directors at NHS England.

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by Health Service Journal

NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.

NHS privatisation and PFI - what Lord Darzi’s review missed

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

<p>Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’</p><p>The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.</p><p>An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.</p> <a href="NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds">Continue reading...</a>

Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’

The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.

An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.

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By Ian Sample Science editor

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