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NHS in 'crisis' as patients left waiting in A&E for 12 hours '99 times higher'
NHS in 'crisis' as patients left waiting in A&E for 12 hours '99 times higher' A senior medic has warned Scotland's NHS "can't go on like this" and called for reducing waiting times to be a "political priority". Continue reading this article about NHS in 'crisis' as patients left waiting in A&E for 12 hours '99 times higher' by Chris McCall NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS hires diversity staff on double the salary of junior doctors
NHS hires diversity staff on double the salary of junior doctors Trusts are continuing to recruit for highly paid EDI roles despite concerns about the cost and effectiveness of such programmes Continue reading this article about NHS hires diversity staff on double the salary of junior doctors by Tom Witherow | Eleanor Hayward, Health Editor NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS under threat: Labour is wrong to embrace private sector
NHS under threat: Labour is wrong to embrace private sector Diverting public funding to grow private-sector ‘spare capacity,’ actively undermines the funding and staff available to the NHS and results in a worse service, write JOHN PUNTIS and TONY O’SULLIVAN Continue reading this article about NHS under threat: Labour is wrong to embrace private sector by Friday, February 14, 2025 NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Moment Scots nurse who is suing NHS amid trans doctor row is piped into tribunal
Moment Scots nurse who is suing NHS amid trans doctor row is piped into tribunal A NURSE who is suing the NHS in a row over a trans doctor was piped into a tribunal as dozens came out to show their support. Sandie Peggie was suspended after she objected to Doctor Beth Upton usi… Continue reading this article about Moment Scots nurse who is suing NHS amid trans doctor row is piped into tribunal by Harry Williamson,Sarah Ward NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS to conduct ‘wider review’ after children’s surgeon suspended
NHS to conduct ‘wider review’ after children’s surgeon suspended NHS to conduct ‘wider review’ after children’s surgeon suspended - The individual was suspended after an external review found treatment provided to nine children fell below standards. Continue reading this article about NHS to conduct ‘wider review’ after children’s surgeon suspended by Storm Newton NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS decision to suspend nurse in trans row ‘ludicrous’, said HR
NHS decision to suspend nurse in trans row ‘ludicrous’, said HR Sandie Peggie had to stay ‘at home’ despite ‘no evidence’ that her refusal to work with a transgender doctor affected patients, emails show Continue reading this article about NHS decision to suspend nurse in trans row ‘ludicrous’, said HR by Mark Macaskill NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Loving little girl, 6, dies after 'catastrophic bleed' from minor NHS procedure
Loving little girl, 6, dies after 'catastrophic bleed' from minor NHS procedure A “BEAUTIFUL” six-year-old girl died when a needle accidentally hit her artery during a “minor” hospital procedure – and now an urgent warning has been made. Amelia Ri… Continue reading this article about Loving little girl, 6, dies after 'catastrophic bleed' from minor NHS procedure by Katrina Turrill NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS Day Live
NHS Day Live The Royal Free London yesterday took centre stage across the BBC, showcasing the incredible commitment of staff across the NHS. Continue reading this article about NHS Day Live by Royal Free London NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Totally shares off 21% after NHS 111 blow
Totally shares off 21% after NHS 111 blow Shares in Totally PLC (AIM:TLY) dropped 21% in the first hour of trading after the company announced it had lost its £13 million NHS 111 National Resilience... Continue reading this article about Totally shares off 21% after NHS 111 blow by @proactive_uk NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Scammers 'impersonating NHS staff to sell hospital beds to vulnerable people'
Scammers 'impersonating NHS staff to sell hospital beds to vulnerable people' Scammers have been cold-calling residents in Angus in order to sell beds and mattresses for thousands of pounds. Continue reading this article about Scammers 'impersonating NHS staff to sell hospital beds to vulnerable people' by Fergus Matheson NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
NHS Sussex News
NHS Sussex News Show the NHS love and choose well this half term With temperatures staying low and seasonal illnesses such as colds and flu still in the community, healthcare services in Sussex… Continue reading NHS Sussex News – 14 February 2025 Continue reading this article about NHS Sussex News by Harriet Rayfield NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
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News About the NHS

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Two integrated care board chief executives and a trust CEO have been appointed as part-time national directors at NHS England.

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by Health Service Journal

NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.

NHS privatisation and PFI - what Lord Darzi’s review missed

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

<p>Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’</p><p>The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.</p><p>An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.</p> <a href="NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds">Continue reading...</a>

Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’

The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.

An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.

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By Ian Sample Science editor

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