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Windfarm profits should be used to screen Scots for rare diseases, says scientist Geneticist who discovered hotspots of illnesses in Scottish islands calls for redirection of community benefit funds A leading geneticist has called for the profits from windfarms to be used for the mass screening of Scottish islanders at risk of rare cancers and blood disorders. Prof Jim Wilson, who leads a Viking DNA project that has discovered hotspots of rare disorders in Shetland, Orkney and the Western Isles, said that money could prove vital in identifying people who need life-saving treatments. Continue reading... By Severin Carrell Scotland editor Windfarm profits should be used to screen Scots for rare diseases, says scientist to...
NHS may need private funding to fix buildings, says head of England’s health service
NHS may need private funding to fix buildings, says head of England’s health service Amanda Pritchard calls for ‘radical’ rethink as NHS struggles with highest maintenance backlog on record. Continue reading this article about NHS may need private funding to fix buildings, says head of England’s health service by Laura Hughes NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust
Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust From the morning, until late evening, the BBC will talk to staff, and watch patients from arrival to discharge at the Royal Free London Continue reading this article about Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust by NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
My parents prefer the NHS to me
My parents prefer the NHS to me The US marine left his long johns down the back of an armchair and the next guest complained that she had found ‘a pair of knickers’. I ran upstairs after she told me this, she and her male companion standing in the big Georgian doorway about to leave. I found grey thermals, of the kind Continue reading this article about My parents prefer the NHS to me by Melissa Kite NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Pritchard backs private borrowing for NHS capital
Pritchard backs private borrowing for NHS capital The chief executive of NHS England has backed a return of private investment to improve hospital buildings for the first time. Continue reading this article about Pritchard backs private borrowing for NHS capital by By Zoe Tidman2025-02-13T10:24:00 NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
New NHS Dental Access Portal launched across Wales
New NHS Dental Access Portal launched across Wales A new online service to help people find an NHS dentist more easily is being rolled out across Wales, aiming to streamline access and provide a clearer picture of demand for routine dental care. The Dental Access Portal allows people to register their interest in receiving NHS dental treatment, with health boards allocating available places […] Continue reading this article about New NHS Dental Access Portal launched across Wales by Deeside Dotcom NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
English dentists ‘walking away’ from NHS work as fees don’t even cover costs
English dentists ‘walking away’ from NHS work as fees don’t even cover costs Exclusive: Surgeries having to ‘operate like a charity’ and subsidise NHS work to tune of £332m a year, says BDA Continue reading this article about English dentists ‘walking away’ from NHS work as fees don’t even cover costs by Denis Campbell NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Move to make health tech’s access into UK’s vast NHS system easier The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is to transformn its health-tech programme in a bid to make the journey of new tech into the NHS smoother. Continue reading this article about Move to make health tech’s access into UK’s vast NHS system easier by Andrew Mernin NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
A vision for specialised commissioning
A vision for specialised commissioning This report is based on interviews and a national stakeholder meeting. Co-developed, commissioned and funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. Continue reading this article about A vision for specialised commissioning by NHS Confederation NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
English dentists ‘walking away’ from NHS work as fees fail to cover costs Exclusive: Surgeries having to ‘operate like a charity’ and subsidise NHS work by £332m a year, says BDA A growing “exodus” of dentists willing to provide care on the NHS threatens to exacerbate the crisis in patients’ access to treatment, the profession’s leaders have said. Dentists are increasingly stopping doing NHS-funded work because their fees for many procedures do not even cover the costs involved, according to the British Dental Association (BDA). Continue reading... By Denis Campbell Health policy editor English dentists ‘walking away’ from NHS work as fees fail to cover costs to Continue reading... NHS Forums - For NHS Staff | Patient Forums
NHS worker who told guard not to get mum's knickers in twist wins £20k
NHS worker who told guard not to get mum's knickers in twist wins £20k Administrator Ben Murphy was suspended for more than four months after the incident which followed 'banter' between two men, an employment tribunal in Croydon, south London, heard. Continue reading this article about NHS worker who told guard not to get mum's knickers in twist wins £20k by Katherine Lawton NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust
Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust From the morning, until late evening, the BBC will talk to staff, and watch patients from arrival to discharge at the Royal Free London Continue reading this article about Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust by @BBCNews NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.
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News About the NHS

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Two integrated care board chief executives and a trust CEO have been appointed as part-time national directors at NHS England.

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by Health Service Journal

NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.

NHS privatisation and PFI - what Lord Darzi’s review missed

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds

<p>Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’</p><p>The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.</p><p>An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.</p> <a href="NHS restricting access to obesity services across England, BMJ finds">Continue reading...</a>

Budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on care for obese patients, leading to ‘postcode lottery’

The NHS is restricting access to obesity services across England, leading to patients in nearly half the country being unable to book appointments with specialist teams for support and treatments such as weight-loss jabs.

An investigation by the British Medical Journal found budget cuts to local services fell disproportionately on obesity care, with patients living with the condition often deemed less worthy of care than others.

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By Ian Sample Science editor

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