Bus fare rise is just the ticket for public | Brief letters
Fare play | Priced out | Laughter as medicine | Tourist labels | Health check
As a non-driver and bus user all my life, I can understand why the government has raised the bus fare cap to £3. Anyone who has used buses for a long time knows that this is still cheaper than it’s been for years in most areas. I suspect most people asked about the rise (Editorial, 20 November) were not bus users or had bus passes.
Trevor Hopper
Lewes, East Sussex
• Anyone who thinks raising the bus fare cap to £3 is OK either never travels by bus or holds in contempt the demographic that needs to use them.
Lois Ozlojo
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By Guardian Staff
Bus fare rise is just the ticket for public | Brief letters to Continue reading...
NHS Forums - For NHS Staff | Patient Forums
Fare play | Priced out | Laughter as medicine | Tourist labels | Health check
As a non-driver and bus user all my life, I can understand why the government has raised the bus fare cap to £3. Anyone who has used buses for a long time knows that this is still cheaper than it’s been for years in most areas. I suspect most people asked about the rise (Editorial, 20 November) were not bus users or had bus passes.
Trevor Hopper
Lewes, East Sussex
• Anyone who thinks raising the bus fare cap to £3 is OK either never travels by bus or holds in contempt the demographic that needs to use them.
Lois Ozlojo
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By Guardian Staff
Bus fare rise is just the ticket for public | Brief letters to Continue reading...
NHS Forums - For NHS Staff | Patient Forums