Continuing healthcare payments that are too hard to get | Letter
Hardly anyone hears about CHC payments, where the NHS covers all the costs of care, without having done a lot of digging and searching, writes Dr Michael Duxbury
This isn’t just happening with support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (£100m spent in England on failed efforts to block children’s Send support, 22 December). If you are severely incapacitated physically and/or mentally, thus requiring 24-hour care, you should be highly eligible for continuing healthcare (CHC) payments, where the NHS covers all the costs of care.
It seems that hardly anyone ever gets to hear about this without having done a lot of digging and searching. It seems rare for someone to be signposted to it by professionals. The hoops to jump through and bureaucratic blocks are immense. There are firms of lawyers who specialise solely in winning CHC payments. I’m currently using a firm to get my 91-year-old mum CHC. She has mixed dementia, is bedbound and requires 24-hour care. At no point has any professional mentioned CHC to me. The chances of me being successful without the legal help is minimal – and I’m a retired medical doctor!
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By Guardian Staff
Continuing healthcare payments that are too hard to get | Letter to Continue reading...
NHS Forums - For NHS Staff | Patient Forums
Hardly anyone hears about CHC payments, where the NHS covers all the costs of care, without having done a lot of digging and searching, writes Dr Michael Duxbury
This isn’t just happening with support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (£100m spent in England on failed efforts to block children’s Send support, 22 December). If you are severely incapacitated physically and/or mentally, thus requiring 24-hour care, you should be highly eligible for continuing healthcare (CHC) payments, where the NHS covers all the costs of care.
It seems that hardly anyone ever gets to hear about this without having done a lot of digging and searching. It seems rare for someone to be signposted to it by professionals. The hoops to jump through and bureaucratic blocks are immense. There are firms of lawyers who specialise solely in winning CHC payments. I’m currently using a firm to get my 91-year-old mum CHC. She has mixed dementia, is bedbound and requires 24-hour care. At no point has any professional mentioned CHC to me. The chances of me being successful without the legal help is minimal – and I’m a retired medical doctor!
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By Guardian Staff
Continuing healthcare payments that are too hard to get | Letter to Continue reading...
NHS Forums - For NHS Staff | Patient Forums