General Medical and Health Questions

Please post general health related questions here. This forum is NOT lead by Doctors, Consultants or Nurses. But you can come share your experience with fellow forum members who may have been through the exact situation you are in. You're not alone here.

Normal Threads
This forum is not to seek help. But to talk about the help you have already had. And to find fellow patients with the same conditions as you. It all helps. Please post a new thread of your own.
Medical forum to ask questions about health and wellbeing. This is a member - member lead forum, not official help or medical advice. Although we have many members across the country would may be able to point you in the right direction for common issues. And you might want a place to document...

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News About the NHS

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Two integrated care board chief executives and a trust CEO have been appointed as part-time national directors at NHS England.

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NHS privatisation and PFI - what Lord Darzi’s review missed

I have groundbreaking NHS tech inside me – but then it failed

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