NHS Forums News

News and information about NHSForums.com, the unofficial NHS Forum.
Welcome aboard NHS Forums. The new unofficial forums for the National Health Service. Bar a few Facebook groups, which is providing Facebook with a lot of data that they perhaps should not be in charge of! (but that's for another thread), there aren't many, if any, independent forums and places you can discuss NHS in all its glory, and any other discussion you may not feel safe talking about using your true name, true email address, etc. So I created this forum so we can all do that as staff, and / or as patients. As some of us are both! HELP RUN YOUR OWN NHS FORUM CATEGORY ON HERE - PERHAPS A STAFF ONLY ONE FOR YOUR HOSPITAL? There will be more local forums and hospital-specific forum categories and we will need staff from each...

News About the NHS

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Three local NHS CEOs join NHS England as directors

Two integrated care board chief executives and a trust CEO have been appointed as part-time national directors at NHS England.

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by Health Service Journal

NHS Forums - For daily discussion by NHS Staff.

Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America

NHS can’t fix what’s already broken: too many are flabby, fat and lazy

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